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"De?teapt?-te, române!" Romanian pronunciation: [de?'te?apt?te ro'm?ne] ( listen) (variously translated as "Awaken thee, Romanian!", "Awaken, Romanian!", or "Wake up, Romanian!") is the national anthem of Romania.

The lyrics were composed by Andrei Mure?anu (1816-1863) and the music was popular (it was chosen for the poem by Gheorghe Ucenescu, as most sources say). It was written and published during the 1848 revolution, initially with the name "Un r?sunet" ("An echo"). It was first sung in late June in the same year in the city of Bra?ov, on the streets of ?chei quarter. It was immediately accepted as the revolutionary anthem and renamed "De?teapt?-te, române".

Since then, this song, which contains a message of liberty and patriotism, has been sung during all major Romanian conflicts, including during the 1989 anti-Ceau?ist revolution. After that revolution, it became the national anthem, replacing the communist-era national anthem "Trei culori" ("Three colors").

July 29 is now "National Anthem Day" (Ziua Imnului na?ional), an annual observance in Romania.

The song was also used on various solemn occasions in the Moldavian Democratic Republic, during its brief existence, between 1917 and 1918. Between 1991 and 1994 it was the national anthem of Moldova as well, but was subsequently replaced by the current Moldovan anthem, "Limba noastr?" ("Our language").

Video De?teapt?-te, române!

History of the anthem

The melody was originally a sentimental song called "Din sânul maicii mele" composed by Anton Pann after hearing the poem "Adio. La Târgovi?te" by Grigore Alexandrescu. In 1848, Andrei Mure?anu wrote the poem "Un r?sunet", and asked Gheorghe Ucenescu, a Scheii Bra?ovului Church singer, to find him a suitable melody. After Ucenescu sang him several lay melodies, Mure?anu chose Anton Pann's song. Pann's song was published in a booklet called "Spitalul amorului sau cânt?torul dorului" in 1852.

First sung during the uprisings of 1848, "De?teapt?-te române" has endured as a favorite song and seen play during various historical events, including as part of Romania's declaration of independence from the Ottoman Empire during the Russo-Turkish War (1877-78), and during the first world war. The song received particularly heavy radio broadcast in the days following the state coup of August 23, 1944, when Romania switched sides, turning against Nazi Germany and joining the Allies side in the war.

After the seizure of power by the communists on December 30, 1947, "De?teapt?-te române" and other patriotic songs closely associated with the previous regime were outlawed. Ceau?escu's government permitted the song to be played and sung in public, but it was not given state recognition as the national anthem.

The overall message of the anthem is a "call to action"; it proposes a "now or never" urge for change present in many national anthems like the French revolutionary Marseillaise. This is the reason why Nicolae B?lcescu called it the "Romanian Marseillaise".

Maps De?teapt?-te, române!

Another anthem

Besides this anthem, the Romanians also have "Hora Unirii" ("The Unity Hora (dance)"), written in 1855 by the poet Vasile Alecsandri (1821-1890), which was sung a great deal on the occasion of the Union of the Principalities (1859) and on all occasions when the Romanians aspired to union and harmony among themselves. "Hora Unirii" is sung on the Romanian folk tune of a slow but energetic round dance joined by the whole attendance. The round dance (hora) is itself an ancient ritual, symbolizing spiritual communion, equality and the Romanians' wish for a common life.

Original verses in Romanian

Romania's national anthem has eleven stanzas, although only the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 11th are sung on official occasions, as established by Romanian law. At major events, such as the National Holiday, the full version is sung, accompanied by 21 gun salute when the President is present at the event.

Other translations

Note that, in accordance with Romanian law, there are no official translations of the anthem.

A more poetic translation

Awaken thee, Romanian, wake up from deadly slumber
The scourge of inauspicious barbarian tyrannies
And now or never to a bright horizon clamber
That shall to shame put all your enemies.
It's now or never that we prove to the world
That in these veins still flows Roman blood
And in our hearts for ever we glorify a name
Triumphant in battles, the name of Trajan.
Behold, imperial shadows, Michael, Stephen, Corvinus
At the Romanian nation, your mighty progeny
With arms like steel and hearts of fire impetuous
"Live in liberty, or die" that's what they all decree.
Priests, raise the cross, as this army is Christian
Give it liberty and it's sanctified scope
We'd rather die in battle, with honorary glory
Than live again enslaved on our ancestral land.

Alternative translation

Romanian, awaken your Spirit from the sleep of Death
Impressed upon you by Tyrannies of barbarians;
Now or never, fashion a new destiny,
Stronger than your foes', a fate for them to bow to.
Now or never, our legacy prove to all,
That through our veins still flows the Blood of Ancient Rome
That in our chests we proudly hail a Name,
Triumphant in battle, the Name of Trajan.
Raise your strong brow and gaze around you
As trees stand in a forest, brave youths, a hundred thousand
An order they await, ready to pounce, as wolves among the sheep
Old men, and young, from mountains high and open plains.
Gaze mightily, glorious shadows, Michael, Stephen, Corvine
The Romanian nation, your descendants,
With weapons in their hands, with your Fire burning
"Life in Liberty or Death", all shout together.
You were vanquished by the evils of envy
By the blind disunity at the Milcov and Carpathians
But we, our Spirit touched by saintly Liberty,
Swear allegiance, to be forever Brothers.
A widowed mother from the time of Michael the Great
Asks of her sons a helping hand today
And curses, with tears in her eyes, whosoever
In times of such great danger, proves to be a traitor.
May lightning bolts, thunder and brimstone kill
Whoever retreats from the glorious battle
When motherland or mother, with a tender heart,
Will ask us to pass through sword and flame.
Is not enough the yatagan of the barbaric crescent
Whose fatal wounds we feel burning today;
Now, the knout intrudes on our ancestral lands,
But with God as witness, we will fight it to the Death
Is not enough the despotism and its unseeing eye
Which for centuries enslaved us, as cattle?
Now, attempt the cruel, in their blind haughtiness,
To steal our Language, but we will fight them to the Death
Romanians of the four corners, now or never,
Be United in your Thoughts, United in your Feelings
Shout out to the world that the Danube is stolen
Through intrigue and coercion, malicious plots.
Priests, with the Cross before you, as the army is Christian,
The motto is Liberty and its goal eternal
Better dead in battle, in full glory
Than be enslaved again in our ancestral homeland.


External links

  • Romania: De?teapt?-te, române! - Audio of the national anthem of Romania, with information and lyrics
  • The President of Romania

Source of article : Wikipedia